What I require of a wine is that it be transparent, in other words, that those who enjoy it can “read,” in every sip, the history of the osmotic interconnection between my identity and the land that I love, defend, care for, and renew.

The name Zýmē, from Greek, means “yeast.” Yeast is, of course, an indispensible element in the world of oenology, but it also bears a symbolic meaning, since it conjures upRead More

Azienda Agricola Zýmē of Celestino Gaspari Town: San Pietro In Cariano (Verona) Year planted: 1999 Hectares in vine: 30 Grape production: 250,000 kg Annual wine production: 150,000 bottles Full-time staff:Read More

Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable production and wine excellence are the tenets on which our philosophy is founded. Here at Zýmē we believe that improving the life of people and the environment is justRead More