Harlequin will be protagonist of the next Merano Wine Festival 2018… don’t miss it! (Meran, November 10-12)

Just 1 day missing to one of the most attractive and important national and international wine events!

This year Zýmē will be also protagonist of a wine masterclass that is taking place Sunday November 11 at Hotel Terme di Merano (info and prices https://meranowinefestival.com/eventi/zyme/). Celestino himself will guide a vertical tasting of 5 vintages of Harlequin, from the first and unforgotten  1999 to the 2011 not presented yet.

You will find us as well inside the Kurhaaus during the 3 days of the Merano Wine Festival together with Extremis area colleagues and friends. Don’t miss it…more surprises from Merano Wine Hunter Awards too!


Why Zyme?

The name Zýmē, from Greek, means “yeast.” Yeast is, of course, an indispensible element in the world of oenology, but it also bears a symbolic meaning, since it conjures up the concept of naturalness, a fundamental value in Celestino Gaspari’s professional and existential journey, as well as the process of fermenting, understood as a continuous striving towards transformation.In harmony with that philosophy, the winery logo represents a grapevine leaf in which is centred a pentagon, symbol of the five basic elements that combine to yield wine: man-vine-earth-sun-water. Find out more...

Regulation 1308/2013 CMO Wine, measure Wine Promotion Third Countries - Veneto Contract 33 2022/2023